The date math addition is super useful -- {{ "now + 3 months" | date: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %z" }} -- but I want to be able to use a variable date, such as "order.created_at" in lieu of "now".
Use case: easily calculating future subscription dates for draft orders based on original order date (e.g. - recurring monthly subscription, original date 2021-01-31, would give 2021-02-28, 2021-03-31, 2021-04-30, etc. when using "+ 1 month").
Trying to take into account DST, time zone differences, and variable months is very difficult with the simple date tools provided by liquid.
Previously proposed having the duration be a filter (e.g. {{ order_created_at | plus: "1 month" | date: "%Y-%m-%d" }} but not sure whether that is feasible.