Mechanic can now receive events from Appstle Subscriptions. You can enable the integration in Appstle Subscriptions:
After enabling the integration in the Appstle Subscriptions app, your events will be sent to Mechanic, and any tasks that subscribe to these event topics will receive the events:
Event topics
  • appstle_subscriptions/subscriptions/create
    - Occurs when a subscription is created.
  • appstle_subscriptions/subscriptions/activate
    - Occurs when a subscription is activated.
  • appstle_subscriptions/subscriptions/cancel
    - Occurs when a subscription is cancelled.
  • appstle_subscriptions/subscriptions/next_order_date_change
    - Occurs when the next order data of a subscription is changed.
  • appstle_subscriptions/subscriptions/pause
    - Occurs when a subscription is paused.
  • appstle_subscriptions/subscriptions/update
    - Occurs when a subscription is updated.
  • appstle_subscriptions/billings/create
    - Occurs when billing for a subscription is created.
  • appstle_subscriptions/billings/failure
    - Occurs when billing for a subscription fails.
  • appstle_subscriptions/billings/interval_change
    - Occurs when billing for a subscription changes.